Cassia Pillow can pass the human brain, heart, cardiovascular, cervical spineHealth repair massage therapy on other parts, so that the human body recovers, the meridians are unblocked, the circulation of qi and blood is promoted, the blood pressure is lowered, and the function of the internal organs is improved. Its seeds are hard, and can massage the head and neck acupuncture points, so it is very effective for liver yang hyperactivity. Headache dizziness, insomnia, cerebral arteriosclerosis, cervical spondylosis, etc., all have auxiliary effects.
Cassia has many natural physiotherapy uses, and is widely used in blood pressure, laxative, weight loss and other fields. In addition, the unique coolness of cassia seeds is particularly comfortable to use in summer, especially in line with the basic physiotherapy theory of "cold head and hot feet" in traditional Chinese medicine.
1. Most of the medicine pillows are medicinal materials, which may become moldy and deteriorate after being wet. Therefore, when using the medicine pillow, pay attention to keep it dry, and often dry the medicine pillow in the sun, so as not to let the medicine pillow become the root cause of the disease.
2. The function of the medicine pillow is realized by medicine. When using it, it is best to "use the pillow for symptoms", and choose the appropriate medicine pillow according to the specific situation of your body.
3. Although cassia seeds are good and have many effects, but because of their slightly cold nature, cassia seeds are prone to diarrhea, diarrhea,stomachache people, should not use Cassia Seed Tea, so be cautious about using cassia pillows.
4. Cassia seeds are very hard particles, which are a bit hard to pillow. When using on infants, do Pillow. It is not acceptable to use a single layer of fabric, it is better to add a layer on the inside of the fabric cotton. Put a layer of cotton on it to make the pillow comfortable and soft. You can also go directly to buy professional child pillows.
5. Cassia seeds are made from raw cassia seeds, which are cooked in many pharmacies. It is best to wash it before applying, and the cassia seeds for children should be clean.
6. It is best not to use all cassia seeds for newborn pillows. It is not impossible to use them, but to use part of them. It is best to use a special cotton interlayer fabric. It is best to use a double-sided structure with cotton. Hao he Buck wheat Husks silk worm sand, equal mixed filling, because the elasticity of buckwheat husks is better, which can make children more comfortable and safe.
Production process
1. The cassia pillow is made of polyester fiber cotton as raw material and dried cassia seeds as filler, and is carefully poured.
2. The pillow core can be used on both sides, and one side without cassia bag is used to meet different needs.
3. The cassia bag can be extracted, dried, and easy to wash
Process flow
Purchase → Screening → Washing → Sun-drying → Sterilization → Ingredients → Fumigation → Drying → Filling → Finished Product
The cleaning method
1. Make a bag with gauze (window screens can also be used)).
2. Put the cassia seeds in the pillow into the gauze bag.
3. Put it in the faucet to wash, of course, it can also be washed by hand in the basin.
4. Dry after washing.
5. It is recommended to replace the cassia material after 1-2 years of use for the cassia pillow to prevent the growth of bacteria.
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