Cassia seeds are hard and can be massaged on head and neck acupuncture points.Dizziness,Insomnia, cerebral arteriosclerosis,cervical spondylosisetc., all have auxiliary effects. Pillows made of cassia seeds have bright eyes,laxativeeffect,Clear liver and improve eyesight,Buckand lowerserum cholesteroland so on.
Cassia Pillow can pass the human brain, heart,cardiovascular,cervical spineHealth repair massage therapy on other parts, so that the human body recovers, the meridians are unblocked, the circulation of qi and blood is promoted, the blood pressure is lowered, and the function of the internal organs is improved. Its seeds are hard, and can massage the head and neck acupuncture points, so it is very effective for liver yang hyperactivity.Headachedizziness, insomnia, cerebral arteriosclerosis, cervical spondylosis, etc., all have auxiliary effects. Cassia has many natural physiotherapy uses, and is widely used in blood pressure, laxative, weight loss and other fields. In addition, the unique coolness of cassia seeds is particularly comfortable to use in summer, especially in line with the basic physiotherapy theory of "cold head and hot feet" in traditional Chinese medicine.
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